Wife and I At Gloryhole

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Wife and I At Gloryhole
I dated a very beautiful and naughty exhibitionist back when I was 19. Years later after I got divorced I looked her up
online and saw she was also married. 3 years later I just reached out. She was divorced. The torid sexual exploits she had lived fueled our hot and fast romance. After a year of phone sex and visiting her there we got married. The sex we had was unbelievable. The things we did were very naughty… My unicorn. Perfection.

I’ve been to adult book stores before with girlfriends and walked around looking at the stuff hanging on the walls and the movies for sale or rent. Always a bad selection, but fun. The best one I’d been to was a big place in Wilmington NC with my wife of several months. Beautiful women assisted us. Encouraged here to buy things. They were very fun! We didn’t buy anything but made a few pendik escort mental notes about things we liked and things we might get. When she suggested that we stop at a really trashy bookstore. One with peep shows.

She knew exactly where it was. Probably because she’d lived there so long, I thought. We parked. Went inside. There was a younger woman working the register up front. She seemed surprised to see a beautiful well-dressed woman walk in. Expecting to walk right back to the booths.. I’m checking how much money I had.
“We have to hang out here for a minute.” she says. What? Why? We browse the toys on the wall. Her beautiful long blonde hair hangs almost to her ass as she looks up at the toys. Now I think I know what she’s doing. Bait. Is she experienced or just improvising?

She never looked back to see who might be watching us. The kurtköy escort place wasn’t really crowded or anything but it was a Friday night and we’d been out having dinner and drinks.

She made her way to the booths. There all four were empty and quiet. She picked the nearest. I followed dutifully. Now I’m getting really sure that she’s not there for just a peep show. She’s a very dirty girl with a lot of experience, including

lots of group sex. I prepped myself to watch her give a blowjob to someone.
“Put in four dollars. Wait, ten.” Thankfully I had cash for tipping at dinner.
I’m fussing with inserting money when the door next to us closes. Yeah. When you bring a woman the action happens fast…
I’m still trying to get the machine to take money and never even saw the interaction that led to a cock poking through the

hole. She’s stroking kaynarca escort it and grinning at me. My initial look was certainly surprise. She just kept stroking it. Fuck! I gotta select a video! I’m really not good at this… Not like her.

She plays with the guy for a couple more minutes. When it got to a good girth she squatted down and licked the tip.
“Oh yeah.” I said or something like that.
About that quick the head was in her mouth and my head was in orbit. I got dizzy watching my wife suck this guy. Fucking amazing. She owned me now. At that moment I didn’t think it could be any better… and she removes here hgh heel shoes while keeping her mouth on his cock. Are you a pro? A fucking stripper? Do I know you? Unreal. Completely unreal.

The guy must have been young because he didn’t last 3 minutes. She did. She sucked him off all the way. I was watching very closely and I know what happened. His cock retreats.

She jumped up. Starts putting on her shoes.
“Let’s go”.

I’m so disoriented that for a fleeting second I thought: But the video isn’t over..

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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