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Extinction has it’s … Perks? Part one She was fleeing from a group of lizard mutants. She was hopping across rooftops in a city, fast. She’s lean, she looks hungry. Her piercing blue eyes spot the roof tops, mark her steps through her loose lanky brown hair. Wearing a pair of blue jean shorts that have seen better days, a tank top, ancient converse sneakers, she darts expertly. With a knife strapped to one leg, a bat strung across her back, she’s prepared for daily obstacles.Hopping these rooftops, wind through hair, sweat plastering her shirt to her bare chest, she gets to an abandoned apartment complex. Thinking it looked pretty sturdy, she hopped off that roof to land on a house roof top. She lands, falls to her knees with her hands to keep her balance, shakes herself out, then stands up. As she reaches full height, the roof collapses, and she falls into the building. Dust billowed, debris flew as she plummeted.Dazed, she doesn’t think she is unconscious. She lifts herself off the floor, groans, dusts her arms off, and looks around for a few minutes. She hears a strange Ankara bayan escort chittering sound, but it doesn’t seem to be near her. Surveying the area around her, she doesn’t sense any life. Must be just a bad bug infestation. Bending over to tie a shoe, she notices movement in the corner, starts to slip the small knife out of her shoe. ‘Don’t!’ a voice chittered out. ‘No need for that, I mean you no harm.’The voice sounded human, her heart leapt into her throat in the hopes that she had finally found another person!It had been so long since she’d spoken, she was terrified she had forgotten how. ‘H-h-h-he-llo?’ she stuttered, peering into the darkness of the apartment. She didn’t see anything, but she couldn’t really be sure.’A human? A human woman?’ the voice called out to her again. The chittering sound became louder and louder. Getting anxious she started to crouch, her instincts taking over. Peering into the darkness, she didn’t sense it come up behind her, picking her up with what felt like large claws. Screaming, kicking, it just Escort bayan Ankara laughed at her. It cradled her like a child for a few moments, then it spoke. ‘It has been so long… since I’ve seen a human woman…’You are the last of your kind. Or at least, in this area. I haven’t a clue, but I can say, it has been so long since I’ve been human…’ The mutant, sighed, almost as if it was reminiscing of old times. ‘Six years to the day, since I’ve been human. Longer, since I’ve felt it…’ The way it had her cradled, she couldn’t see its face. She could only see claws, dripping mandibles, and plated thorax.‘It seems to me as if you’ve had a nasty fall…. You should be more careful. You’ve fallen into my home.’ She felt the creature stir, heard the spider-like legs skitter across the wood floor, through a doorway into a room that was dark. A hole in the roof allowed a single shaft of light through. The mutant took her here, holding her under the light. She had the impression that she needed to be illuminated.She heard it inhale, but Bayan escort Ankara could not locate breathing holes. Searching, she couldn’t find anything but claws and thorax; the mutant seemed to be over eight feet tall, with the way it was crouching in the apartment. Holding her in what looked like bent claws, razor sharp talons underneath.‘One would think… one would be much more… Cautious ? In times such… as these…‘ the Mutant said in rasps, his speech broken. ‘One would think, you would look … before you would leap, no?’ She could hear him tsking at her, felt her face redden. She had been careless. She wondered whether or not it was just going to eat her, and be done with it. Feeling slightly impatient, she started to anticipate her own death. She had no method of escape. She carried not a single weapon that would defend against such a creature. In all terms, she was fucked. ‘It seems as if you… are in a bad spot…. No escape…’ Raising her eyebrows, she sighed at it. ‘Let me… cut to the chase. Its been… So long… since I’ve had…’ the Mutant giggled at this.Her mouth drops open. Is he suggesting…?He lowers her a little, inhales sharply, bends its (or what could be considered) head down, running its feelers across her chest, feeling around her shoulders. The mutant let the feelers explore her face, trace her lips, flit across her cheeks to her ears, down her neck to her shoulders.
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